Friday, March 28, 2008

It's over...

Here's been my (Rob's) last three weeks... Sunday - drive 6 hours to New Philadelphia, OH... work all week a super cool factory that makes cement trucks, drive 6 hours home on Friday, return rental car @ airport and get home @ 10 pm... work Saturday... return to airport on Sunday, fly to MS barely making connector in Detroit (picture me hurdling seats while running through airport w/laptop bag and bag with files on back)... wait for luggage... wait for luggage... no luggage :(... file claim w/cheery, but inept Northwest Airlines employee... go another cool client that makes road patching equipment in my Skyteam t-shirt and Adidas sweatpants... go back to airport Monday night to inquire about luggage... no luggage... ridicule all NW employees... find out when returning to hotel, that luggage was already delivered... nice phone call that I was suppose to receive... finish job and go to airport Wed afternoon to go home... blasted rain in plains means no plane from Memphis to take me home... stay in MS one more night... Thursday get up, enjoy MS sunshine thinking maybe not so bad flight was cancelled...

fly from Det to home with quite possibly most annoying lady ever from NYC... complained about everything under the sun... got on cell phone minute we land to inquire with some poor soul as to who was going to pick her up and how she would find them... then proceeded to tell said person that they would just have to find her and she would be easy to find as she was sure she would be the ONLY person wearing a fur coat... please if you're all that why are you riding coach? Note to pretentious NYC lady... your poo does stink!

Work Fri... Work Sat... back to airport Sunday for MN trip... great trip... great group of co-workers... great client... great eating @ cool restaurants... NW redeems themselves with flawless trip... no delays... luggage stayed w/me...

Glad to be home... Good Night Now!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Month Already

I can't believe it has been a month since I wrote. But I'm back on track for tonight as Rob is once again gone and the kids are in bed (code for not asleep), I just got caught up on Tammi's blog and it is not even 9:00pm yet. Soooo... what have I been doing these weeks!

Growing bigger! My belly has officially popped. The baby is quite active and resembling a certain brother, which make us very nervous.

Keeping track of the kids. Major attitude issues with daddy's absence. Lunches, running kids to school, picking them up, etc.

Laundry Dishes Cleaning in general Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack

Sickness including myself

Picture editing

That should cover the beginnings!

Over these last few weeks we have also had some wonderful visitors who have been willing to give their time so I could have some time. Thank you MOM and DAD T, BRENDA, BETTY, MEREDITH, MARY, ANNE, LIS, MOM and DAD D, TAMMI, REANA! You have provided meals, cleaning, childcare, phone calls, cards, and more! It has kept me encouraged and sane!!!!!!

Saturday is my BIRTHDAY and I have a wonderful HUSBAND who gave me some great presence. First, a portraiture lens that I have not used for a shoot yet but around the house and I am in love all over again. He also gave me an evening and a day without my kids. Don't get me wrong I love them to pieces but I have seen them a little too much over the last 3 weeks and I think they need a break from me too. So as of tomorrow I am FREEEEEEEE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME-EEEE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(insert gigantic smile)

Here are some pics for your enjoyment!

Sierra Joy - 9 months

Sorry that is all the pictures because my computer/SD card is giving me problems and this post was written a long time ago.

So to update you over that last week and half...I painted my living room. Like it a lot and the color is very similar to what you see on your screen now.

Had birthday...great day without kids...thank you mom, dad and Reana for letting our kids sleep at your house so I could enjoy not waking up to them and unfortunately still getting up at a not sleeping in time, Oh well I still enjoyed it none the a pedicure courtesy of my husband and looked at hardwood flooring for the dining room.

Had Robby bday party. Went well, until the kids who was sleeping over puked. Can you say spending spring break with the flu? I sure hope not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, I enjoyed a wonderful day with mom T while dad babysat. Thanks dad. Mom and I had a fantastic time. I think we may even do it again! At least I hope so. Happy BDay to ME!!!

That's all.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

4:59 AM

Yes that is the time I am awake to wrote all the people who don't look at our blog. I have been sick all week and keep hoping it is over when a new symptom shows up. I don't handle being pregnant and sickand winter at the same time. Calgon take me to GA!

I actually woke up at 3:45, layed there, coughed, blew my nose, released my bladder (common for morning and pregnant routine), coughed, blew my nose and decided to get up and catch up on my reading in the quiet of the house. So I've come to the computer and caught up on Tammi's blog. Here's how I read it...over a lot of time so I can get a clear picture of what is going on in her world, read it until I laugh which doesn't usually take long, and usually at obscure hours in the day like 2 am. I have come to realize that I don't laugh enough and can alway count on Tammi. That is a nice trait to have in a sister. (by the way tam, I can relate to V-day as Rob never gets that day off or even comes home early from tax season :)

What else is new is our world? Kendrick took his first steps this week. I was telling Rob how he was very close walking between Robby and I the other day so Rob decided to give it a try. He and I bent down, K. laughing, smiling but no walking. Robby and and I decide to give it a try and sure enough both feet leave the floor. Lots of cheering, smiles and snuggles. Have I mentioned that Kendrick has been saying babby, for about two weeks now. He idolizes his big brother just a little. Anyway, Rob didn't say anything but I think he was a little sad that K. wouldn't walk to him. Tax season is such a bummer! Time Time Time where did it all go!

I know absence make the heart grow fonder so on that note, Rob will be leaving for the rest of March. He is in OH the second week of March, Mississippi the third week, and Minnisota the last week. On a good note...he will not be gone for mine or Robby's birthday.

They boys had conferences this week and Robby is failing second grade and Johnny adores his teacher, Norah (his girlfriend he says sheepishly) and his teacher's daughter Emily. I wished each boy could keep their teachers next year too. Kathy Deboer has done a fantastic job with Robby. She has challenged him in writing, increased his hunger for reading by introducing Peter Pan and the Wizard of Oz, A Call of the Wild, etc. and allowed him to challenge himself in math. Can we xerox her for next year?

Johnny's teacher is very sensitive to his sensitivity. She gets on eye level with him so talk to him, something that is very important with his speech and comprehensibility, allows him to be upset and isn't afraid to sit him on her lap for comfort but then keeps on teaching, offers verbal encouragement and doesn't miss him, as he is a very missable and unassuming kid. He has an unsatiable desire to read and is working very hard on his letter sounds and recognition, she is coming right along side that and even challenging that by offering memorization of sight words. I would like to duplicate her too.

I'm think I'm done bragging about my kids and their teachers now.

We have big plans for the basement this year. I hope my dad can do it! :)

Shelly Beach came for lunch last week and I got to share all my favorite kids books with her. It was fun and she wasn't bored.

We had our ultrasound and the baby looks healthy. (Cheeky grin on my face!)

No bites on a new job for Rob. :(

Abby is sassy as every. We had a girl's night and she got her hair cut for the first time ever. It makes her hair more curly but easier to brush.

I did a photo shoot of a nine month old. That is the best!!!! So fun!!! So much personality!!!!!

My sister Alaina got a puppy. It is about the size of a TY stuffed animal. Cute as a button!

Also, got to see her play bball for her team. Man, that girl can shoot and she it only in sixth grade. 2 minutes left in the first half. She walks out on the court and sinks one just inside the 3 in the first 30 seconds. She's so cool!
Well, it is 5:30 am and I should get back to be...after some breakfast of course. Good night all who don't read my blog.