Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Month Already

I can't believe it has been a month since I wrote. But I'm back on track for tonight as Rob is once again gone and the kids are in bed (code for not asleep), I just got caught up on Tammi's blog and it is not even 9:00pm yet. Soooo... what have I been doing these weeks!

Growing bigger! My belly has officially popped. The baby is quite active and resembling a certain brother, which make us very nervous.

Keeping track of the kids. Major attitude issues with daddy's absence. Lunches, running kids to school, picking them up, etc.

Laundry Dishes Cleaning in general Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack

Sickness including myself

Picture editing

That should cover the beginnings!

Over these last few weeks we have also had some wonderful visitors who have been willing to give their time so I could have some time. Thank you MOM and DAD T, BRENDA, BETTY, MEREDITH, MARY, ANNE, LIS, MOM and DAD D, TAMMI, REANA! You have provided meals, cleaning, childcare, phone calls, cards, and more! It has kept me encouraged and sane!!!!!!

Saturday is my BIRTHDAY and I have a wonderful HUSBAND who gave me some great presence. First, a portraiture lens that I have not used for a shoot yet but around the house and I am in love all over again. He also gave me an evening and a day without my kids. Don't get me wrong I love them to pieces but I have seen them a little too much over the last 3 weeks and I think they need a break from me too. So as of tomorrow I am FREEEEEEEE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME-EEEE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(insert gigantic smile)

Here are some pics for your enjoyment!

Sierra Joy - 9 months

Sorry that is all the pictures because my computer/SD card is giving me problems and this post was written a long time ago.

So to update you over that last week and half...I painted my living room. Like it a lot and the color is very similar to what you see on your screen now.

Had birthday...great day without kids...thank you mom, dad and Reana for letting our kids sleep at your house so I could enjoy not waking up to them and unfortunately still getting up at a not sleeping in time, Oh well I still enjoyed it none the a pedicure courtesy of my husband and looked at hardwood flooring for the dining room.

Had Robby bday party. Went well, until the kids who was sleeping over puked. Can you say spending spring break with the flu? I sure hope not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, I enjoyed a wonderful day with mom T while dad babysat. Thanks dad. Mom and I had a fantastic time. I think we may even do it again! At least I hope so. Happy BDay to ME!!!

That's all.

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