Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Been way too long but been a little busy....

I know, no excuse. But for the few pathetic people who just might possibly read our blog just see Tammi's blog it fills in the gaps.

Ok here goes. Dec. 3-13 Rob was in NYC with the weekend in between he and I going to Petosky for a get away. The next week...Mon-Wed. he was home and Wed night though Friday he was is Mississippi. He flew into South Bend...Fri oh wait on Sat. 24 hr. after he was supposed to arrived but with a $400 airfair voucher in his pocket...he was pretty geeked...Monday (Christmas Eve) we head home to visit for the next week with Tammi and Steve. We had a great time with family and thankfully I had nursery duty at church when they left or I would have cried my eyes out...something about being pregnant or a wimp :) or both...

From there Rob was home until Wed and let until Friday for Ohio. He had a nice visit with Aunt Dee and Uncle Gerry. Oh by the way, AJ left the flu behind before they left and Robby pucked Wed night. Now some of you don't have this problem but when I"m pregnant even brushing my tongue can make me vomit. So Robby the trooper took care of his own puck bucket for good old mom. He set it outside to freeze so daddy could take care of it when he got back on Fri. I got sick on Sunday and Kendrick and Abby spiked fevers yesterday. Well that about brings everyone up to date. apology for not blogging but we've been a little busy.

So tax season is in session and I will have more my time and will try to blog more...especially pictures for our family who live far away...

by the way...snow is totally gone and it was 60 degrees on Monday and 40 today...winter in Michigan got to love it....

1 comment:

tammi said...

Steve and I were just cleaning up the kitchen last night and were wiping off the counters with clorox bleach spray. The bottle says, "Kills the Flue virus!" and I said, "too bad manda doesn't use clorox bleach spray!"

Sorry about that whole "flu" thing...although I think now we're even since you left my kids with illness when you visited last! :) Ah...the joys of communicable childhood cold and flu!